Specimens: Hesperiidae
Please note: we may still be awaiting delivery of some of these new arrivals, also some sell very quickly. Prices subject to change
| Locality | Family | Species | Sub-species | Quality | Sex | Price | |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Abraximorpha davidi | davidi | A1- | M | €15.00 |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Abraximorpha davidi | davidi | A1 | M | €18.00 |
 | Missouri | Hesperiidae | Achalarus lyciades | -- | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Taiwan | Hesperiidae | Ampittia virgata | myakei | A1 | M | €15.00 |
 | America | Hesperiidae | Atalopedes campestris | -- | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | America | Hesperiidae | Atalopedes campestris | -- | A1 | F | €7.50 |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Barca bicolor | -- | A1- | M | €40.00 |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Bibasis aquiline | -- | A- | M | €10.00 |
 | Ussuri | Hesperiidae | Bibasis aquilíno | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Ussuri | Hesperiidae | Bibasis aquilíno | -- | A1 | F | |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Celaenorrhinus oscula | -- | A1 | F | €30.00 |
 | Europe | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus alceae | -- | A1 | M | €2.50 |
 | Israel | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus alceae | alceae | A- | M | €5.00 |
 | Europe | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus alceae | -- | A1 | M | €4.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperiidae | Carchorodes flocciferus | -- | A1 | M | €9.00 |
 | Greece/ Turkey | Hesperiidae | Carchorodes flocciferus | -- | A1 | F | |
 | Macedonia | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus lavatherae | tauricus | A1 | F | €12.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus lavatherae | ssp.australior | A- | M | €5.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus lavatherae | ssp.australior | A1 | M | €11.90 |
 | Italy | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus lavatherae | ssp.australior | A1- | M | €9.90 |
 | Italy | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus lavatherae | ssp.australior | A1 | F | €16.90 |
 | Italy | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus lavatherae | ssp.australior | A1- | F | €14.90 |
 | Israel | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus orientalis | maccabaeus | A1 | M | |
 | Balkan | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus orientalis | ssp? | A- | M | |
 | Macedonia | Hesperiidae | Carchorodus orientalis | -- | A1 | M | €6.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperiidae | Carchorodus orientalis | -- | A1 | F | |
 | Greece,Kalymnos Isl. | Hesperiidae | Carcherodes stauderi | ambiguus | A1- | M | €21.90 |
 | Greece, Kalymnos Isl. | Hesperiidae | Carcherodes stauderi | ambiguus | A1- | F | €36.00 |
 | Turkey | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus stauderi | amibiguus | A1 | M | €25.00 |
 | Greece,Rhodes | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus stauderi | amibiguus | A1 | M | €30.00 |
 | Tunisia | Hesperiidae | Carcharodus tripolina | -- | A1- | M | €8.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Carterocephalus argyrostigma | -- | A1 | M | €12.50 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Carterocephalus argyrostigma | -- | A- | F | €20.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Carterocephalus christophi | -- | A1 | M | €15.00 |
 | Poland | Hesperidae | Carterocephalus palaemon | f.albiguttata | A1- | M | €12.00 |
 | Austria, Germany | Hesperidae | Carterocephalus palaemon | -- | A- | M | €2.50 |
 | Austria, Germany | Hesperidae | Carterocephalus palaemon | -- | A- | F | €3.50 |
 | Germany | Hesperidae | Carterocephalus silvicolus | -- | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | Germany | Hesperidae | Carterocephalus silvicolus | -- | A- | F | €15.00 |
 | Taiwan | Hesperidae | Celaenorrhinus kurosawai | -- | A1 | M | €30.00 |
 | Amur | Hesperidae | Daimo thetys | -- | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Daimio tethys | moorei | A1- | M | €15.00 |
 | Turkey | Hesperiidae | Eogenes alcides | alcides | A1 | M | |
 | Turkey | Hesperiidae | Eogenes alcides | alcides | A1 | F | |
 | America | Hesperidae | Epargyreus clarus | -- | A1 | M | €4.00 |
 | USA | Hesperidae | Epargyreus clarus | -- | A- | F | €5.00 |
 | Taiwan | Hesperidae | Erionota torus | -- | A1 | M | €30.00 |
 | Taiwan | Hesperidae | Erionota torus | -- | A1- | M | €25.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Erynnis funeralis | | A1 | P | €10.00 |
 | Missouri | Hesperidae | Erynnis juvenalis | | A1 | M | €4.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Erynnis pacuvius | pallidus | A1 | M | |
 | America | Hesperidae | Erynnis propertius | | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | California | Hesperidae | Erynnis tristis | -- | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Erynnis tristis | tristis | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Iran | Hesperidae | Erynnis marloyi | -- | A2 | M | €10.00 |
 | Iran | Hesperidae | Erynnis marloyi | -- | A2 | F | €10.00 |
 | Greece | Hesperidae | Erynnis marloyi | marloyi | A1- | M | €15.00 |
 | Greece | Hesperidae | Erynnis marloyi | -- | A2 | M | €10.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Erynnis pelias | -- | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Erynnis pelias | -- | A1 | F | €10.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Erynnis propertius | -- | A1 | F | €7.50 |
 | Europe / Switzerland | Hesperidae | Erynnis tages | -- | A1 | M | €2.50 |
 | Europe / Switzerland | Hesperidae | Erynnis tages | -- | A1 | F | €3.50 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Erynnis tristis | tristis | A1 | F | €7.50 |
 | Israel | Hesperidae | Gegenes gambica | -- | A2 | M | |
 | Europe, Israel | Hesperidae | Gegenes nostrodamus | -- | A2 | M | |
 | Israel, Egypt | Hesperidae | Gegenes nostrodamus | -- | A- | M | |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Gegenes nostrodamus | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Gegenes nostrodamus | -- | A1- | M | |
 | Albania | Hesperidae | Gegenes pumilio | -- | A1 | M | €30.00 |
 | Albania | Hesperidae | Gegenes pumilio | -- | A1 | F | €40.00 |
 | Albania | Hesperidae | Gegenes pumilio | -- | A1- | M | €25.00 |
 | Albania | Hesperidae | Gegenes pumilio | -- | A1- | F | €35.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Heliopetes ericetorum | | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | Arizona | Hesperidae | Heliopetes comma | | A1 | M | €4.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Hesperia comma | leussleri | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Hesperia venatus | -- | A1 | M | €2.50 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Hesperia venatus | -- | A1 | F | €3.50 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Hesperia venatus | similis | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Hesperia venatus | similis | A2 | F | €5.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Heteropterus morpheus | -- | A- | M | €3.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Heteropterus morpheus | -- | A1- | M | €5.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Heteropterus morpheus | -- | A1- | F | €7.50 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Heteropterus morpheus | -- | A- | M | €5.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Heteropterus morpheus | -- | A2 | F | €5.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Hylephila phyleus | -- | A1 | P | €8.00 |
 | Far East | Hesperidae | Ismene aquilana | -- | A2 | F | €5.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Labocla bifasciata | -- | A1- | F | €15.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Labocla proxima | -- | A- | M | €10.00 |
 | Japan | Hesperidae | Leptalina unicolor | -- | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Lerodea eufala | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Ussuri | Hesperidae | Lobocla bifasciata | -- | A1 | M | €8.00 |
 | Arizona | Hesperidae | Megathymus ursus | ursus | A1- | M | |
 | Arizona | Hesperidae | Megathymus ursus | ursus | A1 | F | |
 | USA, Utah | Hesperidae | Megathymus yuccae | coloradensis | A1- | M | €125.00 |
 | USA, Utah | Hesperidae | Megathymus yuccae | coloradensis | A1 | F | |
 | USA,S-Arizona | Hesperidae | Megathymus yuccae | navajo | A- | M | €69.00 |
 | USA,S-Arizona | Hesperidae | Megathymus yuccae | navajo | A2 | M | €49.00 |
 | Russia | Hesperidae | Muschanpia antonia | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Mt.Olympos | Hesperidae | Muschampia cribrellum | inexpecta | A1-/A- | M | €49.90 |
 | Mongolia | Hesperidae | Muschampia cribellum | -- | A- | M | €20.00 |
 | Mongolia | Hesperidae | Muschampia cribellum | -- | A- | F | €40.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperiidae | Muschampia cribrellum | cribrellum (OFFER) | A1 | M | €19.90 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperiidae | Muschampia cribrellum | cribrellum (OFFER) | A1- | M | €17.90 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperiidae | Muschampia cribrellum | cribrellum (OFFER) | A1- / A- | F | €39.99 |
 | Ural | Hesperiidae | Muschampia cribrellum | obscurior | A1 | M | €19.00 |
 | Russia | Hesperidae | Muschampia lutulentus | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Russia | Hesperidae | Muschampia lutulentus | -- | A1 | F | €20.00 |
 | Turkey | Hesperiidae | Muschampia proteides | proteides | A1 | M | €15.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Muschampia proto | ssp.? | A1 | M | |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Muschampia proto | ssp.? | A1 | F | |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Muschampia proto | aragonensis | A1 | M | €12.00 |
 | Greece, Symi Island | Hesperidae | Muschampia proto | arragonensis | A1 | M | €12.00 |
 | Greece, Symi Island | Hesperidae | Muschampia proto | arragonensis | A1 | F | €18.00 |
 | Turkmenistan | Hesperidae | Muschampia staudingeri | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Iran | Hesperidae | Muschampia tersa | -- | A- | M | |
 | Iran | Hesperidae | Muschampia tersa | -- | A- | F | |
 | Mongolia | Hesperidae | Muschampia tesselum | dilutior | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | Israel | Hesperidae | Muschampia tesselum | nomas | A- | M | €15.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Muschampia tesselum | gigas | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Muschampia tesselum | gigas | A | F | €20.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Muschampia tesselum | -- | A1 | M | €20.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Muschampia tesselum | -- | A1 | F | |
 | Symi Island, Greece | Hesperidae | Muschampia tesselum | tesselum | A1 | M | €19.90 |
 | Symi Island, Greece | Hesperidae | Muschampia tesselum | tesselum | A1 | F | €34.90 |
 | Taiwan | Hesperidae | Notocrypta curvifascia | -- | A1 | M | €20.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Ochlodes agricola | -- | A1 | P | €10.00 |
 | Altai | Hesperidae | Ochlodes faunus | -- | A1 | M | €4.00 |
 | Altai | Hesperidae | Ochlodes faunus | -- | A1 | F | €6.00 |
 | Taiwan | Hesperidae | Ochlodes formosanus | -- | A1 | M | €30.00 |
 | Ussuri | Hesperidae | Ochlodes similis | -- | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Ussuri | Hesperidae | Ochlodes similis | -- | A1 | F | €8.00 |
 | Ussuri | Hesperidae | Ochlodes subhyalina | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Ussuri | Hesperidae | Ochlodes subhyalina | -- | A1 | F | |
 | America | Hesperidae | Ochlodes sylvanoides | -- | A1 | P | €10.00 |
 | Colorado | Hesperidae | Ochlodes sylvanoides | -- | A1 | M | €3.50 |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Ochlodes thibetana | -- | A1 | M | €40.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Panoquina errans | -- | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | USA,GA | Hesperidae | Panoquina panoquina | -- | A- | M | |
 | USA,GA | Hesperidae | Panoquina panoquino | | A1 | M | |
 | Greece, Samos | Hesperidae | Pelopides thrax | -- | A1- | M | €45.00 |
 | Israel, Egypt | Hesperidae | Pelopides thrax | thrax | A2 | M | |
 | America | Hesperidae | Poanes melane | | A1 | PAIR | €10.00 |
 | USA,GA | Hesperidae | Poanes viator | -- | A1- | M | €5.00 |
 | USA,GA | Hesperidae | Poanes viator | -- | A- | M | |
 | America | Hesperidae | Polites sabuleti | sabuleti | A1 | P | €10.00 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Polites sabuleti | tecumseh | A1 | P | |
 | Taiwan | Hesperidae | Polytremis eltola | tappana | A1 | M | €30.00 |
 | China, Yunnan, Gongshan | Hesperiidae | Potanthus Confucius | -- | A1 | M | €25.00 |
 | China, Yunnan, Gongshan | Hesperiidae | Potanthus Confucius | -- | A- | M | €20.00 |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Pseudoborbo bevani? | -- | A1- | M | |
 | China, Sichuan | Hesperiidae | Psuedoborbo nr. bevani | -- | A1- | M | |
 | Macedonia, Schar Mt | Hesperidae | Pyrgus andromedae | -- | A1 | M | €17.90 |
 | Balkan | Hesperidae | Pyrgus andromedae | -- | A1 | F | |
 | Macedonia, Schar Mt | Hesperiidae | Pyrgus andromedae | ssp? | A1- | M | €14.90 |
 | Tadzhikistan | Hesperidae | Pyrgus alpinus | -- | A1 | M | €8.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus alveus | claralveus? | A1 | M | €9.90 |
 | Morocco | Hesperidae | Pyrgus alveus | numidus | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | Morocco | Hesperidae | Pyrgus alveus | numidus | A- | M | €6.00 |
 | Morocco | Hesperidae | Pyrgus alveus | numidus | A2 | M | €5.00 |
 | Balkan | Hesperidae | Pyrgus armoricanus | -- | A- | M | €5.00 |
 | Balkan | Hesperidae | Pyrgus armoricanus | -- | A- | F | €8.00 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Pyrgus cacaliae | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Pyrgus cacaliae | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus carlinae | carlinae | A1 | M | €15.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus carthami | carthami | A1 | M | €9.90 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus carthami | valesiaca | A1- | P | €19.90 |
 | E-Sayan | Hesperidae | Pyrgus chapmani | -- | A1 | M | |
 | E-Sayan | Hesperidae | Pyrgus chapmani | -- | A1- | F | |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus cinarae | ssp.? | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus cinarae | ssp.? | A2 | M | €2.50 |
 | America | Hesperidae | Pyrgus communis | -- | A1 | P | €5.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus cirsii | parafabressei | A1- | F | €36.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus foulquieri | nigropicta | A1- | F | €36.00 |
 | Central Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus (foulquieri) picenus | picenus | A1 | M | €20.00 |
 | Central Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus (foulquieri) picenus | picenus | A- | F | €24.00 |
 | Central Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus (foulquieri) picenus | picenus | A1- | M | €18.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Pyrgus maculata | -- | A1 | M | €15.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Pyrgus maculata | -- | A1 | F | €20.00 |
 | Mongolia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus maculata | -- | A1 | M | €20.00 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Pyrgus malvae | -- | A1 | M | €2.50 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Pyrgus malvae | -- | A1 | F | €2.50 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Pyrgus malvoides | -- | A- | M | €4.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus malvoides | tutti 1.gen | A1 | M | €7.50 |
 | Switzerland | Hesperidae | Pyrgus serratulae | f.major | A1 | F | €8.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus serratulae | balcanica | A1 | M | €6.50 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Pyrgus serratulae | caecus | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Mongolia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus serratulae | uralensis | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus serratula | balcanica | A1 | F | €10.00 |
 | Altai | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sibirica | -- | A1 | M | €8.00 |
 | Altai | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sibirica | -- | A1 | F | €15.00 |
 | Greece | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sidae | sidae | A1 | M | €16.90 |
 | Greece | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sidae | sidae | A1- | M | €13.90 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sidae | sidae | A1 | F | €25.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sidae | sidae | A1- | F | €20.00 |
 | Italy | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sidae | occiduus | A1 | F | €24.90 |
 | France | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sidae | occiduus | A- | M | |
 | Turkmenistan | Hesperidae | Pyrgus sidae | -- | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus serratulae | balcanica | A1 | F | €10.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus trebevicensis | -- | A1 | M | €28.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Pyrgus trebevicensis | -- | A1- | M | €25.00 |
 | Austria | Hesperidae | Pyrgus warrenensis | -- | A- | M | |
 | Austria | Hesperidae | Pyrgus warrenensis | -- | A- | F | |
 | Israel | Hesperidae | Spialia orbifer | hilaris | A1 | M | €7.50 |
 | Greece | Hesperidae | Spialia orbifer | orbifer | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Spialia orbifer | orbifer | A1 | F | €10.00 |
 | Russia | Hesperidae | Spialia orbifer | -- | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Greece | Hesperidae | Spialia phlomidis | -- | A- | M | €4.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperidae | Spialia phlomidis | -- | A1 | M | €10.00 |
 | Macedonia | Hesperiidae | Spialia phlomidis | -- | A1 | F | |
 | Morocco | Hesperiidae | Spialia (sertorius) | ali | A1- | M | €10.00 |
 | Italy, Sardinia | Hesperidae | Spialia therapne | -- | A1 | M | €15.00 |
 | Italy, Sardinia | Hesperidae | Spialia therapne | -- | A1 | P | |
 | Taiwan | Hesperidae | Tagiades cohaerens | -- | A1 | M | €15.00 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Thymelicus acteon | -- | A- | M | €3.00 |
 | Tunisia | Hesperiidae | Thymelicus hamza | hamza | A1 | M | €18.00 |
 | Tunisia | Hesperiidae | Thymelicus hamza | hamza | A1- | M | €15.00 |
 | Tunisia | Hesperiidae | Thymelicus hamza | hamza | A1 | F | |
 | Turkey | Hesperiidae | Thymelicus hyrax | hyrax | A- | M | €20.00 |
 | Greece | Hesperiidae | Thymelicus hyrax | ssp? | A1- | M | €35.00 |
 | Greece | Hesperiidae | Thymelicus hyrax | ssp? | A1- | F | €50.00 |
 | Symi Island Greece | Hesperiidae | Thymelicus hyrax | -- (OFFER) | A1 | P | €89.90 |
 | Morocco | Hesperidae | Thymelicus lineola | semicolon | A1 | M | €5.00 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Thymelicus lineola | -- | A1 | M | €2.50 |
 | Europe | Hesperidae | Thymelicus lineola | -- | A1 | F | €3.00 |
 | China | Hesperidae | Thymelicus sylvatica | -- | A2 | M | €3.00 |
 | Israel | Hesperidae | Thymelicus sylvestris | syriaca | A- | M | €5.00 |
 | Israel | Hesperidae | Thymelicus sylvestris | syriaca | A- | F | €7.50 |
 | Europe, Turkey | Hesperidae | Thymelicus sylvestris | -- | A1 | M | €3.00 |
 | Europe, Turkey | Hesperidae | Thymelicus sylvestris | -- | A1 | F | €4.00 |
 | Sachalin | Hesperidae | Thoressa varia | -- | A1 | M | |
 | Calif / Missouri | Hesperidae | Thorybes pylades | -- | A1 | M | €4.00 |